Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Art Class Resources

To find out more about art periods and/or artists:


1. 34 Volume Print Set
The dictionary of art /Publisher: Grove's Dictionaries
Call Number: N31 .D5 1996
Location: Reference
- This set is very comprehensive, including biographies and subject entries. The last volume is the index.

2. Oxford Reference Art & Architecture Set
- Search 15 art reference books online at once with Oxford Reference.
  • The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists
  • The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art
  • A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  • The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists
  • The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms
  • The Oxford Dictionary of Art
  • A Dictionary of Modern Design      
  • The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture
  • The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts
  • A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art
  • The Oxford Companion to the Garden
  • The Oxford Companion to the Photograph
  • The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance
  • The Oxford Companion to Western Art
3. Use CBC Library Catalog to find more books
  • Do a quick keyword search in the catalog, e.g. dadaism or search for reference books on artists
  • Look through the results, note the Location and Call Number of the books, e.g. Inner Visions: German Prints from the age of expressionism, Location: Main Collection, Call Number: N6868.5 .E9P7 1992
  • To find more, you can click on a relevant title to view its Subject(s)
  • Then click on the Subject links to find more books on the subject. For example, Subject(s): Dadaism
  • Sample books that might be useful:
    • History of modern design /Raizman, David Seth. Call Number:NK1175 .R35 2004 (For art & design class).
    • Seattle as collector : Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs turns 40 : 40th anniversary exhibition at Seattle Art Museum / Call Number: N8845 .S4S42 2011.
    For books on specific artists, you should also try to search the catalogs of Richland Public Library and Mid-Columbia Libraries as well. These local public libraries may have a book on the artist you have chosen to research.
4. Use EBSCOhost to find articles
  1. Do a quick keyword search, e.g. constructivism AND art (limited to Full Text and CBC Title Collection). You can also search by artists' names and find articles about them and/or their works.
  2. You can then further "Narrow Results by Subject" using links (e.g. "CONSTRUCTIVISM (Art)", "Art Movements", etc.) shown to the left of the Result List

Use Interlibrary Loan for books & articles that CBC Library does not own
  1. Talk to a reference librarian in person or over the phone (509-542-4890)
  2. Fill out an online form to Request a book/book chapter
  3. Fill out an online form to Request a journal/magazine article
  4. Allow at least one to two weeks
To browse specific journals/magazines:
  1. Use CBC Journal Finder
  2. Use the second box to "Browse e-journals by subject": "Art, Arthitecture & Applied Arts"
  3. Or search for a specific title such as Woman's art journal, Art in America, Art News
  4. Follow the links to browse periodicals online or request at circulation for those that says "CBC Pasco Paper Copies". For example, Art Journal is available through EBSCOhost. 
To find images:
Other Resources:
Local Galleries

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