Online resources:
Recorded Music:
Classical Music In Video - hundreds of classical music performance videos available for streaming to a computer with a live internet connection and Adobe Flash Player.
Naxos Music Library - Online Classical Music. This service allows you to listen to music on your computer with headphones or speakers. You must have a live internet connection. Broadband allows you to use the default near-CD quality streaming rate; if you have dial-up you should select the FM quality rate. It is not possible to download or burn to CD any music on Naxos Music Library. We currently have access for 5 users at a time; please be sure and log off when you are done (upper left).
Oxford Music Online - Scholarly articles from the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2d ed., The Oxford Companion to Music and the forthcoming Grove Dictionary of American Music. Extensive coverage of composers.
Oxford History of Western Music by Richard Taruskin. Covers the history of (primarily) the Western tradition of classical music that began in Europe from the "beginning of music writing in the West" to the 'new spirituality' of music at the end of the 20th Century.
Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians - in Gale Virtual Reference.
From Oxford Reference Online:
Offline resources:
Recorded Music:
Search our catalog using the name of the composer, the keywords 'compact disc' and the type of music (if desired).
Example 1: a search for compact discs with symphonies by Beethoven
beethoven symphony compact disc
Example 2: a search for compact discs with concertos by Beethoven
beethoven concerto compact disc
Compact Discs must be requested at Circulation, and you may check out for 2 weeks.
Reference Books:
- Harvard dictionary of music - Ref ML100 .A64 2003
- A history of Western music - Reserve, Ref ML160 .G87 1960
- Music in the Middle Ages -Reserve, Ref ML172 .R4 1948
- The Oxford history of western music - Ref ML160 .T18 2005 (also online Oxford History of Western Music)
- New Oxford history of music - Ref ML160 .N44
- Baker’s biographical dictionary of musicians - Ref ML105 .B16 2001 or online in Gale Virtual Reference.
- The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians - Ref ML100 .N48 2001 (Oxford Music Online is the preferred version)
- Symphony orchestras of the United States - Ref ML1211 .S95 1986
- Symphony orchestras of the world - Ref ML1200 .S9 1987
- BBC music guides (series; various individual titles)
- The complete book of classical music - Ref MT6 .E89 1965
- Guide to chamber music - Ref ML1100 .B45 1985
- Listen to the music : a self-guided tour through the orchestral repertoire - Ref MT125 .K72 1988
- The symphony : a listener’s guide - Ref MT125 .S79 1995
- The concerto : a listener's guide - Ref ML1263 .S74 1998
Other Web resources:
AllMusic - information on composers, performers, reviews of recordings. Not limited to classical music.
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