Friday, November 1, 2013

Government Surveillance

McCutcheon, Chuck. "Government Surveillance: Is government spying on Americans excessive?" CQ Researcher 30 Aug. 2013: 717-40. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.  How tightly the government should keep tabs on citizens has long been fiercely debated. But concern about surveillance intensified in June after National Security Agency computer specialist Edward Snowden revealed classified details of agency electronic snooping programs. Civil liberties advocates, lawmakers and others also have cited growing unease with other surveillance measures, including the use of unmanned “drone” aircraft and tiny video cameras. Congress, along with state and local governments, is expected to take up a variety of bills this fall to protect privacy and increase transparency about government activities. But the Obama administration maintains that internal safeguards — including a federal civil liberties oversight board created in 2004 — have prevented the federal government from becoming “Big Brother.”From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press.


 su(privacy and ("national security" or "intelligence gathering")) AND (united states) - 900+ articles on the subject of privacy as it relates to national security in the United States.

"Edward Snowden" AND PUB(Washington Post) - 1300+ articles mentioning former NSA contractor turned leaker Snowden, from one of the papers he worked with.


National Security Agency - United States

NSA FIles: Decoded - What the revelations mean for you.  The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Ltd. Web. 1 Nov. 2013  6 part interactive site with documents, graphics, and video interviews with multiple perspectives/viewpoints,

Friday, October 18, 2013

Immigration - United States

Karaim, Reed. "Border Security: Is the buildup in border protection effective?" CQ Researcher 27 Sept. 2013. The United States has poured unprecedented resources into securing its borders, spending billions of dollars on surveillance technology, fencing and personnel. Today more than 21,000 federal agents guard the borders, nearly 10 times the total in 1980. The buildup, particularly strong along the 1,933-mile-long Mexican border, also includes new measures at so-called ports of entry

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Music Appreciation Resources

The CBC Library has a wide range of resources available for MUSC 105 - Music Appreciation. Our online resources may be accessed either on campus or from home by logging into the CBC website. We also have books and compact discs which you can check out using your student ID card. Our print reference sources have been selected to assist with your assignments; while they cannot be checked out, you may make photocopies (5¢/pg).

Online resources:

Recorded Music: 

Classical Music In Video - hundreds of classical music performance videos available for streaming to a computer with a live internet connection and Adobe Flash Player.

Naxos Music Library - Online Classical Music. This service allows you to listen to music on your computer with headphones or speakers. You must have a live internet connection. Broadband allows you to use the default near-CD quality streaming rate; if you have dial-up you should select the FM quality rate. It is not possible to download or burn to CD any music on Naxos Music Library. We currently have access for 5 users at a time; please be sure and log off when you are done (upper left).


Oxford Music Online - Scholarly articles from the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, 2d ed., The Oxford Companion to Music and the forthcoming Grove Dictionary of American Music. Extensive coverage of composers.

Oxford History of Western Music by Richard Taruskin.  Covers the history of (primarily) the Western tradition of classical music that began in Europe from the "beginning of music writing in the West" to the 'new spirituality' of music at the end of the 20th Century. 

Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians - in Gale Virtual Reference.

From Oxford Reference Online:

Offline resources:

Recorded Music:

Search our catalog using the name of the composer, the keywords 'compact disc' and the type of music (if desired).

Example 1: a search for compact discs with symphonies by Beethoven
beethoven symphony compact disc

Example 2: a search for compact discs with concertos by Beethoven
beethoven concerto compact disc

Compact Discs must be requested at Circulation, and you may check out for 2 weeks.

Reference Books:

  • Harvard dictionary of music - Ref ML100 .A64 2003
  • A history of Western music - Reserve, Ref ML160 .G87 1960
  • Music in the Middle Ages -Reserve, Ref ML172 .R4 1948
  • The Oxford history of western music - Ref ML160 .T18 2005 (also online Oxford History of Western Music)
  • New Oxford history of music - Ref ML160 .N44
Information about the Composer, Conductor, Orchestra, Principal Musicians

  • Baker’s biographical dictionary of musicians - Ref ML105 .B16 2001 or online in Gale Virtual Reference.
  • The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians - Ref ML100 .N48 2001 (Oxford Music Online is the preferred version)
  • Symphony orchestras of the United States - Ref ML1211 .S95 1986
  • Symphony orchestras of the world - Ref ML1200 .S9 1987
Interpretation and analysis

  • BBC music guides (series; various individual titles)
  • The complete book of classical music - Ref MT6 .E89 1965
  • Guide to chamber music - Ref ML1100 .B45 1985
  • Listen to the music : a self-guided tour through the orchestral repertoire - Ref MT125 .K72 1988
  • The symphony : a listener’s guide - Ref MT125 .S79 1995
  • The concerto : a listener's guide - Ref ML1263 .S74 1998

Other Web resources:

AllMusic - information on composers, performers, reviews of recordings. Not limited to classical music.

Please send questions or comments to


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Organ Donation

Mantel, Barbara. "Organ Donations: Can the growing demand for organs be met?." CQ Researcher 15 Apr. 2011. More than 110,000 Americans are on organ-transplant waiting lists, and demand for kidneys, lungs, hearts and other donated organs far exceeds the supply. Eighty percent of those waiting for organs need kidneys, in part because of rising incidences of obesity, hypertension and diabetes. States have made it easier for people to register as donors, either online or when obtaining or renewing a driver's license. Also, hospitals have been working to increase the number of families that allow a loved one's organs to be donated at death. But some transplant advocates are proposing more controversial measures, such as rewarding donors with financial compensation. Advances in bioengineering may eventually shrink the organ gap, allowing surgeons to transplant organs engineered from a patient's own stem cells. But for complex organs such as lungs and kidneys, that goal is probably decades away. From the CQ Researcher. Reprinted with permission from CQ Press.

Glazer, Sarah. "Organ Trafficking: Can the smuggling of human organs be stopped?" CQ Global Researcher 19 July 2011. Headline-grabbing arrests of kidney brokers and renegade doctors provide...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

BBC Shakespeare - Ambrose Video 2.0

Romeo & Juliet Click to View
Measure For Measure Click to View
Twelfth Night Click to View
Hamlet Click to View
Othello Click to View
A Midsummer Night's Dream Click to View
Macbeth Click to View
Much Ado About Nothing Click to View

Monday, March 4, 2013

Lord of the Rings - Research Sources

Books - Print

Chace, Jane, ed. Tolkien and the invention of myth : a Reader. Univ Pr Of Kentucky, 2010.
CBC Library, Pasco Main Collection (PR6039 .O32Z839 2010)

Croft, Janet Brennan, ed. Tolkien on film : essays on Peter Jackson's The lord of the rings Mythopoeic Press, 2004. 
CBC Library, Pasco Main Collection (PN1995.9 .L58T66 2004)

Flieger, Verlyn. Green suns and faërie : essays on Tolkien. Kent State UP, 2012.
CBC Library, Pasco Main Collection (PR6039 .O32Z6447 2012)

Hammond, Wayne G. and Christina Scull. The lord of the rings : a reader's companion. - Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Search text by keyword on Google Books.
CBC Library, Pasco Reference (PR6039 .O32L6338 2005)

Isaacs, Neil David. Tolkien and the critics: essays on J. R. R. Tolkien's The lord of the rings.  University of Notre Dame Press 1968.
CBC Library, Pasco Main Collection (PR6039.O32 L634 1968)

Thompson, Kristin. The Frodo franchise : the Lord of the rings and modern Hollywood  - University of California Press, 2007.
CBC Library, Pasco Main Collection (PN1995.9 .L58T46 2007)
-- Also an ACLS ebook:

Books - Ebooks

Blackwelder, Richard E.,  Hammond, Wayne G. and Christina Scull.  Lord of the Rings, 1954-2004 : Scholarship in Honor of Richard E. Blackwelder . Marquette UP 04/2006

Chance, Jane. Lord of the Rings : The Mythology of Power . University Press of Kentucky, 09/2010.

Colebatch, Hal G.P. Return of the Heroes: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Social Conflict (Second Edition)  Cybereditions, 2003.

Rudd, Jay. Critical Companion to J.R.R. Tolkien. Facts On File 08/2011

Stanton, Michael N. Hobbits, Elves, and Wizards : Exploring the Wonders and Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien's the Lord of the Rings. Palgrave Macmillan 09/2002


"Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973." ProQuest Learning: Literature. Biography, Criticism, Reference, Study Guide for Lord of the Rings


EBSCOhost Search for full text, scholarly articles

ProQuest Search for full text, scholarly articles

Updated - 5/13/2013 cs

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Hosansky, David. "Preventing Hazing: Can tougher laws stop violent rituals?" CQ Researcher 8 Feb. 2013. School groups, sports teams and other organizations often initiate members by requiring participation in degrading or violent rituals. Hazing can escalate from silliness to cruelty, sometimes causing emotional scars or even death.

Friday, January 18, 2013


The Movie
Frost/Nixon(IMDB Record)
The Frost/Nixon Interviews Site

Gale Virtual Reference
"Richard Nixon"
"Cambodia Bombing"
"Khmer Rouge"
(Note: Try searching Gale Virtual Reference Library with different keywords to find more results.)

CBC Library Catalog searches:
(Nixon AND Richard AND Milhous AND 1913) [in Subject]

ebrary Books:
Richard M. Nixon : A Life in Full
America's Uncivil Wars : The Sixties Era from Elvis to the Fall of Richard Nixon 

CQ Researcher
Legacy of the Vietnam War: Did the war erode Americans' trust in government?

EBSCO Sample Search:
SU "VIETNAM War, 1961-1975" and SU "protest*" (searched these terms as subjects)

The Nixon Era Times: official publication of the Nixon Era Center at Mountain State University

The World According to Frost. David Frost interviewed by Mark Corcoran of ABC News, 17/02/2009


Links checked - 5/13/2013 cs

Friday, January 4, 2013

Plagiarism and Cheating

Glazer, Sarah. "Plagiarism and Cheating: Are they becoming more acceptable in the Internet age?" CQ Researcher 4 Jan. 2013. Cheating scandals among some of the nation's best students at Harvard University and New York City's Stuyvesant High School have highlighted a problem experts say is widespread. In surveys, a majority of college and high school students admit to cheating on a test